Title credit to Thomas Paine

Sunday, November 6, 2016



This Sabbath day a lot of people across our Country are fasting and praying for the outcome of Tuesday’s Presidential election.  This event is not specific to a single faith, and many are involved.  I personally have signed up with a group that includes well over 85,000 people from all walks of life across our entire Country.

I think we have all seen these past few months how corrupt our government has become, and the depth of it is staggering.  The corruption seems to be complete, and includes the Executive branch, Congress, the State department, and the Justice department.

Our Country is truly a shining city on a hill and so blessed by God, but our Constitution is in peril, along with our way of life and the freedoms we enjoy.  If our light fades, where will the oppressed turn for help?  And where will free people call home?

 A lot of us have prayed earnestly for guidance in making our personal decisions.  So, with this spirit in mind, I offer the following suggestion;

If you are fasting and/or praying this day, please set aside the candidate you are voting for.  You see, there are good and honorable people voting for all candidates, and their reasons are many and varied.

I suggest we pray not for a specific person, but for the preservation of our Constitution and the freedoms granted therein.  And I suggest we pray for the candidate who will best preserve them.

The father of us all, our Heavenly Father, or God if you prefer, knows the hearts and intents of His children, and He alone knows who is most capable of restoring our nation.

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