Title credit to Thomas Paine

Thursday, November 3, 2016


After watching this election cycle, and the world at large, I have several thoughts.  Most of these surround millennials and their view of the world.  And perhaps the next older generation as well.

With the beginning of the demolition of the Berlin wall in the summer of 1990, most free people thought communism had finally been defeated.  And it seemed so, for a while.

In the last few years however, like a sleeping giant communism seems to be awakening.  Many people do not realize that Russia’s current leader, Putin is an old KGB agent.  One of the responsibilities of the KGB during the 70’s was to provide security for, and guard the leadership of the communist party.  And now the man who knew the atrocities of this time, is their leader.

What does this have to do with today?  First, I don’t think this very dangerous part of our history is known or remembered to a great extent.  If so, I believe people would completely disavow the democratic party and their insatiability for State control.  I remember reading a magazine in the mid-80’s that noted since WWII the population of our country had grown 150% while the government had grown about 900%.  Why is this?  The founding fathers were terrified of a large central government.  And by the Constitution, it’s powers are supposed to be limited.

I doubt this is taught sufficiently in school anymore, because if it had been, something happened on January 14th, 2014 that should have terrified the nation.

President Obama, frustrated with his inability to get Congress to go along with his socialist programs, gave up on the rule of law.  He gave up on the enumerated powers of the Constitution, He gave up on over 250 years of history, and uttered these words,

“We’re not just going to be waiting for legislation in order to make sure that we’re providing Americans the kind of help they need.  I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone.  And I can use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive actions and administrative actions that move the ball forward…”

This is not how a president of a free nation speaks.  This is the speech of a dictator, or a king.

Aristotle stated there were 3 principle types of governments that existed prior to the great American experiment in freedom, or self-government.  These were a monarchy, aristocracy, and a polity.

A monarchy has a single ruler such as a king.  An aristocracy is based on birth and privilege, and a polity was kind of a loose democracy without any controls.  The first two of these systems concentrated all power in a single individual, or a small ruling class.  And the third deteriorated into mob rule due to a lack of controls.

Today in the world, we have Communism, Monarchy’s, Marxism, and Socialism.  Without going into detail, these forms of government use what is known as command and control economies.  They have differences, but they are slight.

And now to the millennials.  A lot of them tend to be democratic in nature as liberalism seems to be the mantra in most of our universities.  In fact, many of the professors in universities today were the hippies of the 60s!  It is a "feel good" philosophy!

The more government programs we have, the less freedoms we have.  You see, the government does not have an income.  It can only give something to person “A,” if it takes from person “B.”  And the younger generations seem to think this is all good.

Where does this deterioration end?  If we do not stop and change course now, we will lose what is left of our Constitution and slowly slide into a third world society with ruthless dictators at our helm.  We are headed there now with President Obama’s statement quoted earlier.

Like the frog in the boiling pot, these changes are happening slowly, so we don’t notice them.  So, let’s jump ahead by going back in time to see how command and control economies worked after WWII.  And then see if this is the type of society you want to live in!  Following are a few examples of what freedom deteriorates into;

“The existence of the Soviet Republic side by side with imperialist states for a long time is unthinkable.  One or the other must triumph in the end.  And before that end supervenes, a series of frightful collisions between the Soviet Republic and the bourgeois states will be inevitable.”
V.I. Lenin, “Report of the central committee at the 8th party congress."  1919.

The history of the world, including now, is unending war between freedom and slavery.

“Our collaboration with capitalism during the war which has recently ended, by no means signifies that we shall prolong our alliance with it in the future.  On the contrary, the capitalistic forces constitute our natural enemy despite the fact that they helped us to defeat their most dangerous representative.  It may happen that we shall again decide to make use of their aid, but always with the sole aim of accelerating their final ruin.”
Marshall Tito, Continental News Sevice Nov. 8, 1946.

We cannot trust communist societies even though we may work with them.

“If the situation is ripe for a popular uprising, in view of the fact that the revolution in social relationships has already taken place, and if we have prepared for it, we can order an uprising.”
V.I. Lenin, Selected works, Vol. III p. 298.

Black lives matter?  Riots in Ferguson? Civil uprisings?  We have found out these have been funded by less than honorable sources.

Speaking of the Bible, “A collection of fantastic legends without any scientific support.”
Russian dictionary under Christian Economics, Vol III, No. 7. March 27, 1951.
Hillary Clinton saying the Catholics have to give up their beliefs?  Obama forcing Christian doctors to do things that violate their beliefs through Obamacare?

The Book of Revelation speaks of a great war in Heaven.  The issue was over agency and how we were to be saved.  Isaiah and Luke speak of this.

ANYTHING that lends to God given freedoms is righteous.  ANYTHING that would remove or shackle these freedoms is evil.

The drive of Satan (communism, command and control economies, whatever you want to call it) is to force all to be equally good and all the same.  The drive of God is to give us the freedoms we need to become like him.  A great war was fought in Heaven over this.  Is the fight for freedom any less important now?

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