Title credit to Thomas Paine

Sunday, January 22, 2017


The democrats are running around telling everyone the Russians stole the election from Hillary Clinton.

 1. How does our government know Russia is responsible for hacking into the DNC when the DNC won't let the government inspect their servers to see who hacked into them? This seems like a really good question!

 2, Whoever the culprit is, they did not force anyone to vote for anyone. All they did was expose how the DNC operates. And I think this really nauseated everyone!

3. Shouldn't this culprit be commended for good public service? Eight long years ago Obama promised the most transparent government in American history. Wasn't the culprit just helping Obama keep his promise?

 And while I am at it, NO, the President should not be elected by popular vote. We have the electoral college for a reason. Donald Trump won 30 States to Hillary's 20, and Donald won 2600 Counties to Hillary’s 500. All Hillary won was a few large population centers, so although she won the popular vote, she does NOT represent the vast majority of Americans!

Back in 2008, Obama expressed his frustration that a majority of Americans cling to their guns, Bible, and religion.

Guess I will continue to do so!

75 years ago my Grandfather's brother, Mervyn S. Bennion was killed at Pearl Harbor and received the Medal of Honor for his service and commitment to duty. He was hit, refused medical treatment, and continued giving orders until he succumbed from his wounds.  He was the commander of the USS West Virginia, the flagship of the Pacific Fleet.

The young men of his day stormed the beaches of Normandy so we could have the freedoms we enjoy today. In fact, the Kohima War Cemetery has a plaque which reads,

"When you go home tell them of us and say 'For your tomorrow, we gave our today'."

Over the last few years, the young men of our Country have grown a need for a safe place to cry and pet kittens. Good grief! What has happened?
Goodbye Obama, pajama boy and snowflakes. Welcome back alpha males!

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