Title credit to Thomas Paine

Saturday, October 22, 2016


Final thoughts on the 2016 Presidential election from a conservative standpoint.

I believe Donald Trump is the best choice for President this year as Hillary Clinton cannot be allowed anywhere near the oval office, or have her hand in anything that has to do with the Supreme Court.  It is universally agreed by conservatives that Hillary Clinton is one of the most corrupt, dishonest, and dangerous politicians our Country has ever seen.  The fact that she could even be the Democrats nominee shows how far the morals and ethics in our Country have fallen.

 Donald Trump, while not a poster child of virtue himself, has stated he will appoint conservative justices in the mold of Antonin Scalia who truly understand our Heavenly inspired Constitution and the freedoms it guarantees.  He has also adopted a very conservative platform.

There are many reasons to not like Mr. Trump.  However, I would submit to you that most (not all) of his sins are in the past, and from a Christian perspective this must take this into consideration.

Due to Mr. Trumps faults, many individuals are looking for an alternative vote which is easily understandable.  Sadly however, the statistical probabilities of anything coming from this are non-existent.  It has been tried before by Perot, Anderson, and earlier in the form of the Bull Moose party.  I personally wish we had a viable third party to choose from, however my wishes do not drive the realities of our elections.

The reason for this tome is not to banter about the qualities (or lack thereof) of each candidate, but to show how important the Supreme Court is.  And as stated and alluded to above, with Hillary or a third party there is zero chance the Supreme Court will remain Constitutional in its thinking and judgements.

This is important because it is generational.  If the Court goes liberal in 2017, it will most likely stay that way for the next 24 years or longer given the age and disposition of the judges.  In other words, if one decides to elect a candidate that cannot positively affect the Court, this decision will affect our children’s future.  Following are some examples of what I mean:


·         In 1962 Engal v. Vitale, prayer in public school became unconstitutional. What happened?  It had been OK for 200+ years prior to this dating back to before our Country founded.

·         In 1963 Abington School District v. Schempp, Bible reading in school was determined to be unconstitutional.  What happened?

·         In 1980 Stone v. Graham, the 10 Commandment could no longer be posted in school.  Again, what happened?

·         In 1970 State Board of Educ. v. Board of Educ. of Netcong voluntary prayer and bible reading was no longer allowed.  What happened?  Over 200 years of stare decisis, or the legal doctrine of precedent was abandoned.

·         In 1984 Wallace v. Jaffree, a minute of silence in lieu of prayer was no longer acceptable.  What happened?

I could go on and on, but these are enough.  Our Constitution is slowly being stripped from the original intent and wording of our founding fathers.  As a nation, we are slowly turning away from the God inspired precepts our Country was founded on.

On Thursday June 28, 1787, Benjamin Franklin stood, and addressed prayer at the Constitutional Convention.  In his aged voice he proclaimed, “I have lived, Sir, a long time and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth – that God governs in the affairs of men.”

This kind of thinking by Statesmen such as Benjamin Franklin gave rise to our Country, and departing from it will be our downfall.

So in conclusion, all of the candidates have positive ideas to add to the discussion.  Conversely, all have negatives.  But in the long run, and for this election cycle, saving the Supreme Court, and by extension, the Constitution seems to me the paramount issue.  And only one candidate has a chance of doing this.  Donald Trump.

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