Title credit to Thomas Paine

Sunday, January 22, 2017


I have never seen the kind of hostility toward a new president as I have seen against Donald Trump.  In fact, the only time more Democrats decided to pout and refused to attend an inauguration was when Abraham Lincoln was sworn in as President!

Many of my friends and acquaintances have, and probably still hate Trump with a passion.  Honestly, I don’t understand it, so let me share a few observations.  You see, I believe the media has falsely accused him to a tremendous degree.

 Most Trump haters do not like him as he seems to have had a somewhat sordid past.  OK.  Point taken.  Ten years ago, he was less than stellar morally and maybe we saw some lingering traces of that in the first debates.  Obama was a druggie in college.  So what?  Who are these men today?

First, I am more interested in who Trump is today than his past.  And it is quite appalling to me how so many self-righteous sanctimonious so-called Christians are so quick to condemn him to Hell by forcing him to live in his past.  Isn’t the primary belief of Christianity forgiveness and Christ-like love?  Didn’t Christ die so we may be forgiven of our sins?  The only thing we should be concerned about is the man today.  He won the election fair and square.

During his first inauguration, there were 6 Christian prayers offered, more than any other inauguration in history.  And in Trump’s speech he said, “We will be protected by the great men and women of our military and law enforcement and, MOST IMPORTANTLY, WE ARE PROTECTED BY GOD.”

This appears to be Donald Trump today, a God-fearing man.  Is he sincere?  I don’t know.  Is this all just a farce to get elected?  I don’t know.  What I do know is he seemed to invite God back into America. 

Who among you is ready to cast the first stone?  Which of you is ready to turn away from Christ’s teachings and refuse to forgive him for any past deeds?  I am not, and will never be that person.  I have committed too many sins of my own to worry about others.  Also, in a spiritual sense, one the hardest things people trying to follow Christ must deal with is false Christians who won’t let them repent.

Secondly, the media has put forth the “fact” that Trump hates Mexicans.  I do not believe this.  Why?  I have never heard him say this.  Only the fake news media has said this.  I HAVE heard Trump say he was against illegal immigration.  There is a big difference between the two. 

In 1775 Patrick Henry warned the people against indifference, complacency, and apathy.  Are we today heeding the Constitution?  One of the President’s first duties is in the Oath of Office states, “defend the Constitution against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.”  What does this mean!  Congress is given the task to make laws, and the President’s duty is to uphold them.  The President cannot make laws.  It is the right and privilege however of our President to enforce laws enacted by Congress that deal with national security.  If someone enters our Country illegally, measures must be taken or we will end up with nothing to call our own.  This is fulfilling the Oath of Office, not racism.

Thirdly, I do not believe Trump is a misogynist.  Again, this is something the mainstream media has raised as a banner to try and destroy him.  Oh how we love to wave about big words.  I am still waiting for some proof of this, and I haven’t seen any yet.  The only things I have heard about occurred many years ago.

Fourth, I do not believe Trump hates Muslims.  Trump has NEVER said this.  However, he has raised some legitimate concerns.  Most Muslims are peaceful people as most Americans are.  However, studies show that 10% to 15% of them are radicalized, or very dangerous.  All I have ever heard Trump say is we need to vet those wanting to enter our Country.  We need to find a way to filter them, and no one knows how to do this yet.  If there was a 10% chance your new neighbor wanted to rape and kill your daughter, would 10% be a risk level you would be comfortable with?  All he wants to do is fulfill the Oath of Office, to protect us from enemies, both foreign and domestic.  This is NOT racism.

And lastly, I would like to quote some lines from Trump’s inaugural address on January 20th, 2016:

… today we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another, or from one party to another – but we are transferring power from Washington D.C. and giving it back to you, the American people.  THIS IS VERY CONSTITUTIONAL.

… for too long, a small group in our nation’s capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have born the cost.  Washington flourished—but the people did not share in its wealth.  DOES ANYONE HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THIS STATEMENT?

 … what truly matters is not which party controls our government, but whether our government is controlled by the people.  THIS IS VERY CONSTITUTIONAL.

…an education system flush with cash, but which leaves our young and beautiful students deprived of knowledge.  ANY ISSUES?

…for many decades we’ve enriched foreign industry at the expense of American industry;… we’ve defended other nation’s borders while refusing to defend our own… and spent trillions of dollars overseas while America’s infrastructure has fallen into disrepair and decay…  ANY ISSUES?

I could go on.   Would those of you that don’t support him, at least give him a chance?  He has the potential to fill the history books as one of the greatest presidents ever.  Will he?  I don’t know, but his inviting God back into our Country is a good place to start.


The democrats are running around telling everyone the Russians stole the election from Hillary Clinton.

 1. How does our government know Russia is responsible for hacking into the DNC when the DNC won't let the government inspect their servers to see who hacked into them? This seems like a really good question!

 2, Whoever the culprit is, they did not force anyone to vote for anyone. All they did was expose how the DNC operates. And I think this really nauseated everyone!

3. Shouldn't this culprit be commended for good public service? Eight long years ago Obama promised the most transparent government in American history. Wasn't the culprit just helping Obama keep his promise?

 And while I am at it, NO, the President should not be elected by popular vote. We have the electoral college for a reason. Donald Trump won 30 States to Hillary's 20, and Donald won 2600 Counties to Hillary’s 500. All Hillary won was a few large population centers, so although she won the popular vote, she does NOT represent the vast majority of Americans!

Back in 2008, Obama expressed his frustration that a majority of Americans cling to their guns, Bible, and religion.

Guess I will continue to do so!

75 years ago my Grandfather's brother, Mervyn S. Bennion was killed at Pearl Harbor and received the Medal of Honor for his service and commitment to duty. He was hit, refused medical treatment, and continued giving orders until he succumbed from his wounds.  He was the commander of the USS West Virginia, the flagship of the Pacific Fleet.

The young men of his day stormed the beaches of Normandy so we could have the freedoms we enjoy today. In fact, the Kohima War Cemetery has a plaque which reads,

"When you go home tell them of us and say 'For your tomorrow, we gave our today'."

Over the last few years, the young men of our Country have grown a need for a safe place to cry and pet kittens. Good grief! What has happened?
Goodbye Obama, pajama boy and snowflakes. Welcome back alpha males!