Title credit to Thomas Paine

Thursday, September 15, 2016


I have just finished reading a book by Senator Mike Lee.  It is called, “Our Lost Constitution,” and was written in 2015.  It is an excellent book, so I would like to give a brief synopsis of just two chapters, as well as recommend the entire book!

The book is about the federal government our founders envisioned and set up.  They pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor for this new system of self government.  What have we done to it since then?  

There is a link to this book in the left side bar.

Chapter 2 is about the forgotten “origination clause” in the Constitution.  It reads;

All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as on other Bills.  (Article 1, Section 7)

The House of Representatives is closest to the people, as their numbers are determined by population.  As Elbridge Gerry argued,
“Taxation and representation are strongly associated in the minds of the people, and they will not agree that any but their immediate representatives shall meddle with their purses”  (Our Lost Constitution p.38)
Mr. Gerry served in the 2nd Continental Congress, and was the Vice President under James Madison.
This Article of the Constitution is no longer considered  relevant.  The most recent example of this is the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Obamacare).  The House of Representatives voted on House Resolution 3590 which was about tax incentives for servicemen and women.  The Congress then gutted this bill, and inserted the Affordable Care Act wording which completely changed the original bill!

In other words, our government passed a huge tax increase without following the Constitution!

Chapter 3 is about the forgotten “legislative powers clause.”

All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Representatives.  (Article 1, Section 1)

This part of the Constitution has been dying for a long time, and was crippled under President Franklin D. Roosevelt and his, “New Deal.”  Roosevelt wanted to make rules for nearly every aspect of economic life, and as President, wanted to make the rules.  Never mind that this was the responsibility of Congress.

And then some 8 decades later, President Obama said, “If Congress won’t act… I will.”

Those are not the words of a President.  Those are the words of a king. (Our Lost Constitution, p.75.)
This book covers so many aspects of our Constitution, how our federal government should behave, the separation of powers between federal and state government, and many other aspects that have hurt our way of life by imposing an ever increasing tax and regulatory burden on our citizens.  Again, I highly recommend it!

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