Title credit to Thomas Paine

Friday, August 12, 2016


There is a large cry in much our government today to dis-arm law abiding citizens.  This stems from criminals who use guns to commit unlawful acts.  It seems an absurd cry however, because as soon as someone uses a gun illegally, governmental leaders want to solve the problem by taking away the guns of those who did nothing illegal!  This is a huge disconnect in my mind!

So what is the greater threat?  Someone who uses a gun inappropriately, or a tyrannical government?  The founders of our Country understood tyranny was the greater threat.  Both the Federalists and anti-Federalists understood the connection between liberty and arms, having had first hand experience with the countries they came from.

Thursday, August 4, 2016


Is the Constitution flawed?  I don't believe so, but have you ever noticed there is no penalty within its text for not following it?

For instance, at the time of this writing, the President (executive branch) seems to be doing whatever he wants regardless of any balance of powers enumerated in the Constitution or Bill of Rights.

The Judicial Branch of our government is supposed to be a watchdog over the Constitution and control the power of the other branches of government.  The Justices however do not seem to be fulfilling this role very well as they give every appearance of legislating from the bench!

Tuesday, August 2, 2016


I would like to outline a couple of facts regarding abortion, then end with a comment and question.

First, abortion will always be regulated by the government in some form or another as it is a medical procedure, and the practice of medicine is regulated.

Secondly, given the high priority of States rights the founders envisioned, I believe the U.S. Supreme Court should not have ruled on abortion based on the powers given them.  I believe they overstepped their bounds, and should have known this.  Abortion is not mentioned in the Constitution, so by edict of the 10th amendment, the regulatory power for this lies with each individual State.  Here is the text:

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people."