Title credit to Thomas Paine

Wednesday, July 27, 2016


I started this blog around 2014, but didn't do much with it.  It contained mostly my political thoughts.  I have erased all these as they were all directional as to my way of thinking and my personal opinions. 

I want to take this in a new direction, and make it more of an educational forum.  I believe that most people, if given all the facts of a situation or problem will make an educated, well thought out decision.  Notice I did not say they would agree with me, but that their opinions would be based on facts and careful thought as opposed to raw emotion.

I have been putting most of my comments on facebook, but this seems to cause angst with a lot of people, so except for a few well chosen posts, I am not going to use facebook anymore for political comments.

Along with politics, I am very interested in economics as the two are tightly entwined with each other.  And the more I think about it we must include education, government and religion as well!

So this blog is going to be a type of American forum.  It will not be a "bash" republicans, or democrats, or anyone else, but a source of learning for anyone who cares to sign up.  You see,  I believe our Country has strayed far from what the founders envisioned, to the point that we are now living in what Mark Levin calls a post-constitutional society.

For instance, I believe Barack Obama has been very destructive for our Country.  I don't mind that he was elected, nor do I mind that he was re-elected as anyone can run for President!  I do mind that it happened though, because I believe his election in the first place is indicative of the poor education our young people are receiving in public schools.  Not enough people know anymore how our country was envisioned or set up  They seem unaware that our country almost didn't exist because the several individual states were so scared of a large federal bureaucracy.  I will give one example:

When Obama ran for office the first time, he criticized Bush 43 for getting us too deep in debt.  And he was right!  However he then turned around and added so much himself, that Bush's debt has been more than doubled.  My biggest concern is that no one seemed to notice this, and no one seems to care.  Also, I have blamed Obama for our debt, but it is more the republicans in the House of Representatives fault as they hold the purse strings!  They also have not been true to their stated ideals.

So where has the integrity of our leaders gone?  To end on a bit of a somber note, my wife stated, "Politics is a reflection of who we are as a people."

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