Title credit to Thomas Paine

Sunday, February 19, 2017


OK people.  We’ve got some learning to do on healthcare, so let’s dive in.

A friend of mine gets credit for the best comment when she said, “It can be good or not so good depending on your situation.”  This is brilliant, because healthcare should be good and affordable for all.  Obamacare should not be a lottery as to who it works or doesn't work for.

Now before we can address healthcare, we should review a basic economic function of government, and this will be uncomfortable for some.

 Governments do not have incomes.  The only source of funds governments have is taxes it places on its citizenry.  So, to say socialized medicine is best because it costs less is the wrong way to look at it.

Let me explain by asking two questions.  First, and remember where governments money comes from when answering, “How much of the money I earn do you think you are entitled to?”  And second, “Why?”

You see, if you need $10 to go buy a burrito, and steal it from your neighbor, you will be going to jail.  But if you need $10 for a particular medicine, the government takes if from your neighbor and we don’t call it stealing.  See the problem?  There is no difference!

Now this is the hard part to accept.  “Health care is NOT a right.”  You have no right at any level to get your needs from your neighbors.  They don’t owe you.  So why do we call it OK when government does it!  To those of you who want to explore this further, please read, “The Law” by Frederic Bastiat.  Frederic was a French economist and this was first published in 1850.  The book outlines basic economic principles, how much power governments should have, and how socialism ALWAYS degrades into communism over time.

I have a friend in Australia who needs their socialized medicine as her daughter has horrifically high medical expenses.  But to say the government pays for it is a misnomer.  From the most recent stats I could find, the USA spends 17.8% of its GDP on medicine, or $9990 per person per year.  This is way too high!  Australia spends 9.4% of its GDP on medicine, or $5479 per person per year.

The money has to come from somewhere!  In the USA, it is through private insurers or Obamacare that costs too much.  But Australia is not that far behind.  Australia’s Medicare is funded by a 2% tax levy + money from general revenue.  The USA does not have this.  So, to say Australians pay dramatically less than Americans for healthcare is a misnomer.  Americans pay at the door.  Australians are taxed.  Same money, just different ways to collect it.

In an international comparative study, Australia ranks highest on health lives, so their system seems to be working well, however there are strong hidden currents of underlying problems beginning to manifest themselves.  HealthWorkforce Australia in a 2012 study predicted in the near future there will be a shortage of 3000 doctors, over 100,000 nurses, and more than 80,000 registered nurses.  And Australia's system has been only in place since the mid-80s.  The system is starting to crack.

Also, Australia’s healthcare system works only in the more metro areas.  From the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, people in remote areas had decreasing life expectancies that increase the more remote they are from major cities.  An average of 7 years less in lifespan.  It is also noted, that the Aboriginal and Torres Strait island people have horrible health care.  Their system seems to be nearly non-existent in rural areas.

America does not have this problem in rural areas.  Where my sister lives in Blackfoot, ID, a small town, they have nationally ranked doctors in several disciplines.  However, this does come with a cost.

So, what is the solution?  The only economic system that does not degrade over time is the free market system.  Which the US does not have by the way in Healthcare.

Companies competing for your business in a free market society will maximize the cost/benefit ratios in the most effective manner.  And then a re-insurance system for catastrophic illnesses so families with problems such as Cynthia’s daughter and my wife don’t go broke!

Unfortunately, to take this conversation further, I would have to write a book and who has that much time?  The point of this tome is not to solve the problems of high healthcare costs, but to show that the money healthcare costs is paid by the people in one form or another.  There is no such thing as a free lunch.

And whatever systems exist, they must be voluntary.  In about 1985, I read an article that stated since WWII the US population had grown 150% while the federal government grew over 900%.  This is the communistic road all countries are on if we want the government to solve all our problems.  And when any government system degrades to this healthcare will degrade as well.

Canada is supposed to have a great medical system like Australia, however when my Canadian friend shattered his kneecap in a 4-wheeler accident, it took 6 months to schedule the surgery to repair his knee.  That is not a good system by any reasoning.  And it was due to rationing health care imposed by government controls.

My hip surgeries cost a lot personally, but they took 5 minutes to schedule.  Think about it.

Also, where does medical technology and advancements come from?  NOT from socialized countries.  I know the US system is expensive, but it produces.  In the last few years, the US has produced 7.87 million papers and citations on medical advances.  China is number 2 with 3.1 million.  Australia is number 11 in research with 782,000 research papers.  Of the top 25 institutions producing biotechnology, 23 of them are in the US.  Basically, if a socialized medicine country uses a technology to save someone, chances the device or drug was invented in the US.

It is easy to say socialized medicine is great, and America’s system is too expensive.  But these two statements don’t even begin to address the issues.

Saturday, February 11, 2017


Why do you think inconveniencing people will sway them to your beliefs?
Why do you think scaring people will sway them to your beliefs?
Why do you think destroying personal property will sway people to your beliefs?

If you are passionate about something, be constructive about it, not destructive.  Learn everything you can about all sides of an issue and engage in thoughtful reason.

When our Constitution was formed, there were as many ideas about government as there were people in the room.  So during a long hot summer in 1787, these men from different backgrounds and ideologies created a new form of government where the people ruled rather than the elite.

Contrast this with breaking into buildings and burning things.  You are better than this.